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Property Maintenance

Trimming & Mulching

We would love to work with you to spruce up your property and keep it maintained. We have customers who we trim and mulch yearly and others who just ask for a one time clean-up. Either way, we are ready to work with you to make it happen. Our work includes trimming, edging, mulching, removing old shrubbery, tree trimming and removal, burying rainspouts, and planting new trees and shrubbery.

Yard Maintenance

We would love the opportunity to work with you by regularly mowing your lawn or property. We work with professional grade mowers - Ex-Mark and Wright.

Need a lawn re-sowed? We also do that!

Lawn Treatment

​ A five-visit lawn treatment program provides the following:

- Fertilizer 

- Crabgrass prevention

- Broadleaf weed control

- Grub and surface control

- Grass root enhancement 

Each fertilizer application varies in its content and is designed to treat your lawn for the specific need of the season. These needs are different for each client, but with consistent treatment, these products are proven to keep your lawn looking healthy and beautifully green. ​

Your Dream, Our Specialty, Your Reality 

Jeremiah 17:8


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